cipra  1.2.1
A C++11 Unit Testing Framework based on Test::More
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Because cipra is a header-only library, you don't even need to install it. You can just copy the contents of the include/ directory into your own project, and you will then be able to use cipra in your own program.

If you want to use cipra's documentation or to install cipra to your system, you can use our provided CMake system.

Simple Installation

If you only want to install the header files to your system, you can use the following steps:

$ cd cipra/
$ sudo make install

No dependencies are required for this, outside of CMake and the standard make tool. Headers will be installed by default to the /usr/local/include directory.

Detailed Instructions

The above steps will only install the header files for cipra. For those who want to customize the installation, we provide the following support in our CMake system:

Custom Installation Path

By default, cipra will install itself into the /usr/local tree. This can be changed by running the cmake command with the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path flag, where path is the path into which you want to install cipra. All of cipra's components will be installed here.


Doxygen is a documentation generator for C++ that takes comments in the source files and turns them into formatted docs. cipra's source code has Doxygen-style comments in it, so Doxygen is able to produce nicely-formatted documentation from cipra.

If you want to generate HTML documentation for the API and man pages, you will need Doxygen 1.8.2 (or greater) installed. cipra uses C++11 features that older versions of Doxygen do not support. Doxygen is turned on by default; just run CMake and both HTML and man page API documentation will be turned on. When you run make or make install, the documentation will be generated and installed to your system. The HTML documentation can then be found under the share/doc/api directory in your install path.


Pkg-Config is a utility that saves compile-time information about a library, so that applications that link with the library can more easily use it. Some information saved by Pkg-Config is the include path, the library path, and the dependencies of the library.

In order to simplify using cipra, we provide a Pkg-Config file. It is installed by default when you run make install.