cipra  1.2.1
A C++11 Unit Testing Framework based on Test::More
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Code License

Unless otherwise stated in the file or in an accompanying README file, the license for any source file (*.h or *.cpp) included in this distribution is a 3-clause BSD-style license. See the COPYING.bsd file for the full license text.

You should have received a copy of the BSD-style license along with this distribution. If not, see the cipra website.

Documentation License

Unless otherwise stated in the file or in an accompanying README file, the license for any doxygen generated documentation (in the doc/ folder) or any plaintext documentation included in this distribution is the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. See the COPYING.ccby file for the full license text.

You should have received a copy of the CC-BY 3.0 US license along with this distribution. If not, see the Creative Commons website.

Source File Example Clarification

Any source code that is embedded in the doxygen generated documentation is dual-licensed under both of the above licenses; that is, you can use the source code in the generated documentation either under the source code BSD-style license or the documentation Creative Commons BY 3.0 US License.